I found Julie and Julia on a bargain shelf at Barnes and Nobles for only $4, and I decided to buy it because a) when do I ever not need more books to read? and b) come on, it's only $4. I had seen the movie a few years ago, so I knew roughly what to expect as far as plot went, but I was interested to see what differed between the book and the movie.
A few main differences:
1. In the book, Julie has a very fowl mouth (probably not appropriate for a movie, so I can see why that was mostly omitted)
2. The movie dramatized pretty much every event to the extreme - the thing with the eggs? not a big deal in the book, and Julie and her husband never had a gigantic fight to the point where he left for a few days.
3. The book placed a much larger emphasis on the food. Watching the movie, yes the food looked delicious but it went into almost no detail on what the food was like. The book described the food to the point where I was hungry every time I read.
4. Julia Child was not exactly a main character in the book. Yes, she was there as part of Julie's alternate personality, and there were some letters (which I think were fake?) that were written by Julia or Paul, but definitely not the long and elaborate flashbacks that occurred in the movie.
Of course, I understand why the differences were there. After all, Hollywood had to sell a movie that would appeal to masses, and honestly, a woman who is almost 30, cursing in her kitchen, and constantly mentioning how her fat is ever increasing is not exactly a blockbuster. It does, however, make for an excellent read. I was able to relate to Julie (even though I am 10 years younger than her persona in the book). I understood the struggles of feeling unmotivated and like my life is going nowhere, and it was interesting to see how her life dramatically shifted once she decided to stick with something for the first time in her life. It motivated me to stick with this blog, stick with creativity, and stick to my (overly) high levels of confidence.